söndag 26 februari 2017

Water. and Air.

Water. and Air.

What shall we do with all that waste up in the sky? Which seems to cloud our ability of perception and judgement to the point of completely screening off our ability to think & act creatively and responsibly ?
Hang in here, and we’ll discuss with you what we should do and, most importantly, why. Welcome to read, reflect and react – conveying your thoughts on discussed, related or any new issues is what forms the backbone by which we’ll build a disruptive new reality together for the world to redraw its maps, blueprints and schemes from for the near future.
An energy system paradigm shift is what we need, and it’s all in Our hands to work things out Together. So let’s do it!
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This is a blog initiated by us at AES – Arphosis Energy Systems, Inc.
Our objective is to induce new demand and hence new markets for clean, cheap fuels regenerated from combustion waste gases (greenhouse gases, GHGs) found in the atmosphere, in industrial and power plant smokestacks, and in transportation device exhausts.
We will achieve this by delivering solutions for recycling carbondioxide (CO2) by means of artificial photosynthesis processes, in which CO2 subjected to water, sunlight and various catalysts* loses its oxygen (O) portion and takes on hydrogen (H) instead** to produce climate neutral gasoline and other fuels.
In an eternal cycle of cleaning out GHGs (like carbondioxide and methane) and regenerating their intrinsic carbon back into new useful fuels, then combusting those anew (thus substituting sulphurous, dirty fossil fuels which therefore undesired can rest underground), we will create a sustainable and resource resilient new global energy system — whereby we can rewind atmospheric GHGs to pre-industrial levels and hence lower air temperatures, sea level elevations and sea acidification pH back to normal.
(*) however here: catalysts apt for each type of resulting output fuel desired, thousandfolds more efficient than
chlorophyll inside plants’ natural photosynthesis processes.
(**) Hence forming gaseous or liquid CxHx hydrocarbons, pure carbon (C, as in coal, by eliminating the hydrogen), or taking on an OH-group to form CxHxOH alcohols.
Our role at AES inside this new global energy system is to furnish clean fuel producers – on upcoming markets that automatically will follow suit and grow exponentially from a consumer demand pressure on fossil free, climate neutral and remedial fuels – with ground-breaking computer based tools that enable them to:
1.) design various high-efficient, low-temperature and low-pressure operating catalysts for converting GHGs into various fuels and other products in demand;
2.) assess the catalysts’ eligibility in virtual full-scale laboratory sets as well as in up- or down-scale product facility environments;
3.) project plan the entire production line properties and components embracing the full span from GHG extraction to (any) refinery blocks and distribution infrastructures (even identifying useable existing such ones); and
4.) cost calculate all customized line steps as well as assess costs for each produce regarding various output volumes — including costs for catalyst manufacture, GHG extraction line setup, on site GHG to fuel conversion line setup, (any) refinery line setup, through to connecting to/constructing existing/new infrastructures and other distribution attributes.
Sure, the world has seen scientists’ newsflashes on the theme of GHG recycling before, but research lab results have been all but encouraging — an all-physical lab setup is an old fashioned and half-hearted, way way too slow and costly approach to the elaboration and testing of catalysts, so the researcher initiatives run around and time out — reprioritizing focus, losing competence, or closing down out of money shortage. But the world will (be forced to) revert to this by sheer necessity, sooner or later (later as in “panicking around too late”). We say: the sooner the better — it could hardly be soon enough so let’s get going. This is where the necessity of an SBES (Simulation Based Engineering Science) software catalyst elaboration approach with an integrated virtual lab setup – our solution – clearly comes into the picture.

Water. and Air. That’s what this blog will deal with. The properties of Water and the impact Water has on Land and on Air, and Air on Water. Beneath our Sun.
Water and Air would preoccupy the world more if only people better understood why they should. We’ll try to help out…
Water exists in three states: frozen (ice, snow), liquid (“water”), gas (vapor).
Ice & Snow: the warmer it gets, the nearer the melting point it approaches. At zero centigrades it melts and moves over to the liquid state. Archimedes’ principle has taught us all that an iceberg melting does not impact the sea level elevation since it is already submerged with its full weight into the water and thus impacts the sea level just as much as when all of it gets molten. Hence, Arctica ice cap melt-off does not impact sea level elevations directly — though it gradually destroys the habitats and possibilities of survival for polar bears, seals and most other animals up there. In the ensuing stage however, the melt-off leaves vast polar areas that previously (through its once snowy white face) reflected sunlight back out into space (just like clouds do), and so indirectly those now darkened area surfaces instead absorb light and infrared radiation from the sun, thereby warming waters being in direct contact with the ice, and air. This melt-off thus generates a temperature rising and ice cap melting chain reaction. Glaciers, on the other hand, rest on terra firma (solid ground), and do not impact sea level elevation where they rest. Not until the atmosphere gradually gets warmer and the net volume of ice and snow mass of every glacier hence diminishes, the melt-off surplus running out to the sea of the summer period not fully restored as snow onto land mass the following winter period, then sea level elevation is impacted and will thereof continue to rise as air temperatures continue to rise, year by year. The several kilometers thick ice cap on Antarctica, the same on Greenland, and all of the Earth’s mountain glaciers are examples hereof.
Liquid water: the warmer water gets, the more volume a certain fixed weight-unit occupies. Even though there would be no annual net repletion to the world’s oceans from melting ice and snow, even then sea levels would keep rising as long as air temperatures keep rising. The oceans also absorb carbondioxide (CO2) surplus from fossil fuel combustion and augmenting deforestation, hitherto roughly half of it, which besides sea acidification also contributes to elevating sea levels per se. Warm water also feeds and propels hurricanes (/cyclones/typhoons/tornados/trombs) and storms around the world, consequently: the warmer the ocean surface water, the more of those whirlwinds each season and the more intense and devastating they’ll get.
Water vapor: As long as a water vapor molecule is “at large” in the atmosphere it remains invisible until it gets in contact with some particle that it can stick to. Such particle-vapor pairs form clouds, which per definition are visible and white and therefore deflect incoming sunlight back into space, serving as a cooling shield. Free, unbound, invisible vapor molecules on the other hand together constitute a very powerful greenhouse engine because water vapor molecules – far more efficiently than CO2 – are holding back the heat radiation generated from Earth’s surface absorption of sun rays. Here we see a chain reaction: the warmer the air temperatures, the warmer the sea surfaces, the more vapor outlet into the atmosphere, which leads to an increasing greenhouse effect, which in turn leads to even higher air temperatures… and so forth.
Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transformed, as we all have learned. Energy transformed into another energy form through combustion of e.g. hydrocarbons (CxHx), alcohols (CxHxOH) or pure carbon (C), simultaneously emits heat (i.e. engine or plant burner power, however some of this radiating out from the heated engine or by cooling it off) and waste gases such as CO2 and CO from the combustion reaction, hence leaving three legacy components from its transformation: heat (power), greenhouse gases (GHGs) as energy bound into another compound, and other waste like nitrogenoxides (neutralized by catalytic converters in countries where mandatory on petrol/gas vehicles) and sulfur dioxide (turning into sulfur acid on contact with water/vapor, worst acidifyer, both aquatic and terrestrial). Carbon (C) reacts with oxygen (O) inside the combustion process. Some hydrocarbons drop off the hydrogen (H) portion and likewise react with oxygen, producing a new energy form, free from any hydrogen but still holding the carbon component intact — however this time compounded with new friends: one or two oxygen molecules (CO or CO2).
Mind that! What this implies is none less than an energy supply surplusup in the sky. An energy repository just growing and growing, ever faster moving towards drowning us through sea level rises and river bed inundations, ever more powerfully producing never before seen hurricanes or ever longer lasting drought periods all over our world. An energy supplysurplus up in the sky terrifying mankind, making us feel like mere pigs to the slaughter (well, excluding the Denialist part of humanity, anyway) — unable to act reasonably underneath it. Cause any endeavor today commenced or planned will reasonably and empirically be far, far too little and will come far, far too late — all being yields of long-term, low-strategy fumbling and bumbling by ideologically blinkered, economically or otherwise involved politicians and their corner-that-market soulmates.
But what if – instead of leaving this gigantic greenhouse gas energy supplysurplus, this recyclable energy repository   u n p e r t u b e d   in the sky and building pseudo energy systems to walk around it, like today – we would come up with hyper effective, perpetually cyclic, resource resilient, environmentally and economically sustainable, all clean and cheap solutions of   r e t r a n s f o r m i n g   this energy supply* surplus, this immense repository into something useful?
We at AES have.
We term this CCR — Carbon Capture and Recycling (alt. Reuse/ Regeneration/ Retransformation/ Reconversion/ Reactivation). 
Sci-No-Fi. Science, Not Fiction.
(*) Primarily CO2 in the atmosphere, plus CO2 extracted directly from industrial and power plant smokestacks, recycled and reused on the spot Secondarily also CO2 extracted directly from land/sea/air bound vehicles’ exhaust pipes, recycled in a catalytic converter** and shunted back into their fuel inlet during operation.
(**) catalytic converters for transforming (neutralizing) nitrogenoxides are already mandatory on vehicles in most countries and work just beautifully.
Sure, the world has seen scientists’ newsflashes on the theme of GHG recycling before, but research lab results have been all but encouraging — an all-physical lab setup is a way way too slow and costly approach to elaboration and testing of catalysts, so the researcher initiatives so to speak time out — re-prioritize focus, lose competence, or close down out of money shortage. But the world will (be forced to) revert to this out of necessity, sooner or later (later as in “panicking around too late”). We say: the sooner the better — it could hardly be soon enough so let’s get going. This is where the necessity of an SBES (Simulation Based Engineering Science)* software catalyst elaboration approach with an integrated virtual lab setup – our solution – comes into the picture.
(*SBES (Simulation Based Engineering Science): Excerpt from the WTEC (World Technology Evaluation Center) panel report International Assessment of Research and Development in Simulation Based Engineering and Science, issued in 2006
To define the real requirements for the implementation of SBES technologies, we require a new paradigm of software development. Such a fundamental change calls for a great deal of “out-of-the box” thinking about the way we approach software development and practice engineering. […]  Not only will tomorrow’s software developers have to cope with more complex systems and heterogeneous hardware systems, but they will also have to understand the important details of the applications.
Our CatELab-APS/e3 is a forceful answer to that new paradigm of software development requirement!
-> (view also: MSBSE handbook | Wikipedia on  web-based simulation | computer sim. | modeling & sim. | process sim.)
These are hard facts, this is the The Most Inconvenient Truth not even Al Gore (who in 2006 issued a book called An Inconvenient Truth) would want us all to fully realize — cause it would evoke panic, resignation, anarchy (much worse than seen anywhere in history or in our day), war here and war there, soon everywhere: If we just wait and see how those politician induced “head in the sand arrangements” and short-sighted investments – that the world can “boast” today – will turn out, it is our rock solid conviction that we gradually or even rapidly will see the peoples of our planet exhibit exactly these above described developing stages on the road to total catastrophy turning any previous global or regional crisis, refugee catastrophe or even world war into mere tea parties or trifles. It is bad enough the US now got themselves a prime time Denialistfor president, along with all their globalist evil corporations, but even with another candidate in his place there would be no remedy in sight, as far as the gathered initiatives launched up til now can be deemed.
The world’s development phases could perhaps best be described as follows: “75 years, 1940 – 2015: from the age of destruction to the age ofinformation to the age of disinformation to the age of deception“.
– Now, for the next phase we have a choiceWill we opt for “
100 years,1940 – 2040: from the age of destruction to the age of information to the age of disinformation to the age of deception, to an age of perceptionpeaceprosperity… OR once again over to an age of destruction“?
These are our eligible options at hand. I think we’ve all had enough of destruction in the world, right? Foresight is the base of prevention, so move from square 1 to 4C.
An energy supply surplus up in the sky, yes… the world’s amassed scientists have established a pre-industrial (early 19th century) atmospheric level of 280 ppm CO2. There are other far worse though much less abundant GHGs like methane* (CH4) and dinitrogenoxide** (“laughing-gas”, N2O) to deal with in addition to CO2, but CO2 has the unpleasant property – besides blocking heat radiation from passing through the atmosphere on its way from Earth into space – of acidifyingthe oceans, thereby dissolving calcium so that all calcium-withholding life forms and living structures (tiny plankton, krill, various size fish, up to large coral reefs) see their skeletons and other calcium structures literally fade away, holding the threat of mass-species’ mass-extinction in its wings. Today’s atmospheric level is now moving upward from the 400 ppm mark. Thus, there is a surplus today of 400 – 280 = 120 ppm CO2 to get rid of — to be honest, no one is (slash should be) happy as it is and still Earth’s post-industrial air temperature climb is “only” 0.9 – 1.2 centigrades (0.9 was the word from Paris where That Deal was signed in 2015, 1.2 are the latest figures from leading statistical institutes), so how could we ever accept a 2.0 or even a 1.5 centigrade rise (which obviously would make Al Gore and other leading environmentalists and politicians happy enough) ?   (*) Methane (CH4) is easily captured, a reusable fuel with no need for any reconversion.  (**) Dinitrogenoxide (N2O) is not a fuel, but derived from use of artificial fertilizers, easily blocked through organic farming based on nature’s own fertilizers or animalistic feces.
Besides those 120 ppm atmospheric CO2 the oceans and great lakes, as described above, have absorbed roughly half of all the CO2 surplus so far emitted, implying another 120 ppm CO2 component to be extracted* from the seas before everything’s back to normal, back to the pre-industrial era.   (*) Once atmospheric CO2 extraction has commenced, the oceanic CO2 pressure will automatically adjust to this and in turn commence leaking CO2 back into the atmosphere.
So what we at AES wish to use this immense supply of energy, this paramount natural resource hanging in the sky – today a big dump nothing but clouding our minds – for is to reconvert it into useful fuelsand products like solid carbon, liquid and gaseous hydrocarbonsalcoholsoilswaxesclean plastics, and other utility products today all extracted and produced from underground fossil coaloil and gas.
By recycling GHGs in a perpetual cycle we would be able to resolve an upcoming peak-oil crisis, get rid of sulfurous and dirty, expensive fossilcoal, oil and gas, furnish the globe with clean, cheap fuels and other products, regulate the planetary air (and hence water) temperature and rewind the ocean and lake acidification!
Read all about this at our Website: ->  arphosis.com
We ask you to chip in a Contribution and Back our Campaign at Indiegogo: ->  CYBEREGG — Enairgy Regeneration (draft) as soon as it launches (imminently)!
Spread the Word, Share this Blog, Share our Campaign, and Chip in a Contribution to Your Ability — help wave the wand of enairgee magic!
Welcome in here with your reflections, thoughts, ideas – hows/whats/whos/whys/wheres/whens/whatevers – to your interest and ability. Together WE CAN AND WILL disrupt and rewire those heavy-weight companies and politicians, and finally get together as a unified caring, common people of the world, in order to get things done! No to Climate ignorance & insouciance, disregard & denial!

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